Christian Fellowship Center
2 N Sprague Ave
Bellvue, PA 15202
You may use the links below to learn more about salvation through Jesus Christ.
Have you ever wondered exactly who Jesus is? What makes Christianity different from any
other religion? You may find many of the answers to your questions in this link to Dr. William
R. "Bill" Bright's 6-page article. Just click the "Who Is This Jesus" link above, and use the "previous" and "next" buttons at the bottom of the page to scroll through the article.
What does it mean to have a relationship with God? Are you seeking a relationship with God, but don't know where to begin? This link explains the reason man is separated from God, and how it is that we can become closer to God in a relationship with Him. Click the "A Relationship With Christ" link above.
What it means to 'walk in the spirit', and steps on getting there. Click the corresponding link.